Guidelines for Submissions

Correspondence related to submission of articles should be addressed to the Executive Editor and Secretary at Before submitting an article, please study the guidelines below and make sure your article adheres to them.


General Style

Submissions for publication in Arctos should be written in English, French, German, Italian, or Latin. British and American English are both acceptable as long as the usage is consistent within the article. The preferable maximum length of an article is 20 pages (A4-sized, double-spaced) or 10 000 words (including notes and bibliography). The annual deadline is the end of August.

The submitted text should be paginated and double-spaced throughout. Times New Roman, font size 12 is preferable, but other common Unicode fonts are also accepted. In the case of Greek, a Unicode font must be used

The preferred format of submission is Microsoft Word (.docx), as some editorial markings (such as italics etc.) can be lost during the conversion of other formats.



Articles should be submitted by e-mail to the Executive Editor and Secretary (at The article should be sent in two copies; one text version (DOCX) and one PDF version. The e-mail should also contain the name, affiliation and postal address of the author and the title of the article. Do not include your name in the article itself. Please refrain from using self-identifying references so as not to compromise the double-blind review process. Please make sure that your submission adheres to the stylistic guidelines of Arctos.

It is our policy not to review articles that have been published elsewhere or that are currently being evaluated for publication elsewhere.


Editorial Procedure

In general, all articles published in Arctos go through a double-blind peer-review process. All submissions are initially reviewed for suitability by the Editorial Team in collaboration with the Editorial Advisory Board. The submissions chosen for peer review are sent to two scientifically competent reviewers who are asked to evaluate each submission's merits and to deliver an editorial recommendation. In order to ensure impartiality, a strict double-blind review policy is followed: the identities of both authors and reviewers are mutually withheld.

On basis of the reviewers' recommendations, the editors make the final decision about the article. The editors may decide that the article is (1) accepted in present form or with minor revisions, (2) accepted conditionally with major revisions, (3) rejected with an invitation to revise and resubmit, (4) rejected without invitation to revise and resubmit. In general, two positive evaluations are required for publication. Once the submission has been reviewed, the Executive Editor informs the author about the editorial decision and provides the author with a synopsis of the reviewers' comments.

In exeptional cases the editors may decide to publish contributions without subjecting them to peer-review. Since 2015, all peer-reviewed articles are indicated with the peer-review label of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. 

The final corrections are always made by the contributors themselves. After publication the authors receive the journal as a PDF file as well as a separate PDF file of their own contribution.


Copyright and reproduction

Since vol. LII (2018), all articles and book-reviews published in Arctos are licensed under the Creative Commons General Public License Attribution (CC BY-NC). The Authors own all rights to their own articles and reviews, and are allowed to distribute them online if they wish with no embargo period. Arctos reserves the right for open-access digital publication of all contributions after an embargo period of one year from the publication of the printed volume. 



References, Quotations and Illustrations

Notes and Quotations 

Use consecutively numbered footnotes, not endnotes. Quotations from ancient Latin authors and terms in Latin should be in italics. Quotations from modern authors, regardless of the language, should be put in quotation marks.

Ancient Sources

References to Latin authors should be done with the system used in Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, and to Greek authors according to the usage in Oxford Classical Dictionary. Abbreviations of titles should be in italics. Note the use of Arabic numerals and commas instead of dots.

   • Thuc. 3,21
   • Pind. Nem. 6,2
   • Tac. ann. 3,15
   • Cic. Brut. 62

Epigraphical and Papyrological Sources

Abbreviations of epigraphical publications should be made according to the standard set by L'Année épigraphique (AE) and where this is found wanting, it should be supplemented by Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG). References to papyrological publications should be made according to the Checklist of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets. Note the use of Roman numerals to indicate the volume in question.

   • CIL VI 9871
   • IG XII 2, 157
   • SEG XL 235
   • P. Oxy. XLV 3241

Modern Sources

The author can choose between two options:

1) Each work is cited in full the first time it is mentioned


When the work appears for the first time, the initial of the author's first name is mentioned. The name of the publication should be in italics. If the monograph has been published in a series, it is not necessary to mention the name of the series. However, if mentioned, it should be recorded as follows: H. Zehnacker, Moneta. Recherches sur l'organisation et l'art des émissions monétaires de la République romaine (BEFAR 222), Rome 1973. Names of monograph series are given in Roman type.

   • G. Rickman, The Corn Supply of Ancient Rome, Oxford 1980, 156–58.
   • C. W. Fornara, Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War, Cambridge 1983, 2.

In subsequent references, use the author's last name and the number of the footnote, e. g. Rickman (above n. 3) 159. If more titles by the same author are referred to in the same footnote, the year of the publication or an abbreviated title should be added (frequently cited titles may also be listed alphabetically before the first footnote).


Names of journals and periodicals, in italics, should be abbreviated according to the practice of L'Année philologique. The name of the article should be in quotation marks (" "). Articles published in edited volumes are to be cited as follows: P. Veyne, "Trimalchio Maecenatianus", in M. Renard (ed.), Hommages à Albert Grenier (Coll. Latomus 58,3), Bruxelles 1962, 1620–22. The abbreviations "p(age)" or "c(olumn)" should be used only when referring to the present article, or when they are needed to avoid confusion with numbers of footnotes or with other numbers.

   • E. Fraenkel, JRS 42 (1952) 1–9 or E. Fraenkel, "The Culex", JRS 42 (1952) 1–9.
   • R. T. Ridley, Arctos 33 (1999) 133–44 or R. T. Ridley, "What's in the Name: The So-called First Triumvirate", Arctos 33 (1999) 133–44.

With the exception of some minor language-specific details, the above instructions apply to all submissions. Authors are requested to prepare their contributions accordingly, regardless of the language used.

2) All publications referred to are listed in a separate bibliography

The entries should have the following format (as already noted, journals should be referred to by the abbreviations used in L'Année philologique):

   • BOOKS F. S. Krauss – M. Kaiser 1965. Artemidor on Daldis, Traumbuch, Basel – Stuttgart.
   • ARTICLES R. Pack 1960. "Further Notes on Artemidorus", TAPhA 91: 146–51.
   • CHAPTERS M. W. Haslam 1993. "Callimachus' Hymns", in M. A. Harder – R. F. Regtuit – G. C. Wakker (eds.), Callimachus (Hellenistica Groningana 1), Groningen, 111–25.

In-text references to works cited in the bibliography should appear as follows (do not use f. and ff. but give the exact references):
   • Kraus – Kaiser (1965, 13–19) argue that…
   • … as twice noted by Pack 1960, 142–45, 149–51.


Tables and Illustrations

Tables and illustrations are also accepted in the publication. In case the images are too large to be included in the text version (which is usual for high quality images), their allocated spots, sizes and subtexts should be marked in the submission and the images should be sent separately by e-mail to the Executive Editor and Secretary (at